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ZY-2517 sharp sharp point tester
Instrument description:
It is used to detect the sharp points of the toy that are accessible to the user.
Instrument standard:
*United States 16 CFR 1500.48 / ASTM F963 4.8
*EU EN-71-1:2014
*China GB6675-2003 A.5.9
Instrument configuration:
* Volume: 112 × 16 × 16mm
*Weight: 800g
* Sharp point tester, weight weight, 2 bulbs, battery pair
How to use and understand:
1. Place the sharp cusp tester on the accessible cusp and check that the sharp point being tested can be inserted into the sharp tester to the specified depth. The test tip is inserted into the measuring slot and an external force of 1 lb is applied to make the indicator light, and the cusp is determined to be a sharp cusp.
2. Wood thorns in wooden toys are dangerously sharp and sharp, so they must not exist on toys.
3. The sensor head must be adjusted as required before each inspection to ensure accurate and sensitive sensing.
4. When adjusting the sharp cusp tester, first loosen the lock ring and then rotate the lock ring to advance the indicator device a sufficient distance to expose the calibration reference scale on the circle. Rotate the measurement cover clockwise until the indicator light flashes. Rotate the measuring cap counterclockwise until the appropriate micrometer mark matches the calibration scale, then turn the locking ring until the locking ring is against the measuring cap to secure the test cover.
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